Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Siri Buku "I Can"

Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan para ibu dan bapa,

Kali ini saya ingin memperkenalkan Siri buku "I Can" untuk anak-anak kita. Ia digarap dengan mudah dan ringkas mencakupi kehidupan harian melalui ilustrasi yang sangat menarik dan bahasa yang mudah difahami. Saya mengalu-alukan para ibu bapa mengambil peluang ini untuk membaca bersama-sama anak-anak secara tidak langsung konsep-konsep asas Islam yang mudah dapat diterapkan ke dalam jiwa anak-anak. Dijilid secara "hardcover" cuma RM49.90 setiap satu.

This title explains that hijab, which Islam prescribes for girls and women, is not some obstruction, preventing them from leading life in a natural way. While observing this norm a Muslim girl can participate in all activities.

This title introduces the concept and practice of prayer in Islam. At the same time, it points to the beauty and charms of landscape, so generously bestowed by Allah on the planet earth.

"I Can say Bismillah Anywhere!" instructs us that we should remember Allah all the time, no matter what we do. Since Allah has created everything in the world, we should think of Him in all our actions.

“I Can Eat Anything Anywhere!” describes the Islamic norm about food and eating. It draws the attention of children to the variety and joys of food provided by the All-Merciful Allah.

"I Can Make Du‘a Anywhere!" brings into relief the Islamic teaching that we should always turn to Allah, seeking His help and thanking Him for His numerous favours to us. Making du‘a makes our life more meaningful and satisfying.

This title focuses on the importance of studying the Qur'an in Islam. Its study makes us realize all the more the countless gifts of Allah to us.

Semoga kita semua mendapat manfaat daripadanya.

Sumber : Ummikusayang.com and Islamicbookstore.com

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